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Pratel srl
{0} years
verona, Italy
Main categories: ruler,square,protractor,geoedreieck,letter tray


Company Album1

Basic Information
Pratel company,named after thefounder GiacomoPratelli, begins its lifein the early 50's troughthe commerce ofstatonery items andwriting instruments.After some years ofmerely commercialactivity, at the beginning of the 60's, the first productive phase starts. With theingress of Giacomo's daughter, the denomination of the company becomesPratel of Pinuccia Pratelli. The utilisation of hydraulic machines, initially manual andthen semi-automatic, allows to consolidate the presence of Pratel in the Italianproductive horizon. The range of products amplifies and gets complete, while themarket aims move towards the production of school and promotional articles. It'sof these years also the first opening towards the foreignmarkets. After a short period abroad, at thebeginning of the 90's Pratel Srl resumes its activity, utilizingthe most advanced production technologies.Computer controlled injection machines and fullyautomatical printing machines give the possibility tothe company to be highly competitive in the qualityof the products and in the selling prices , in Italy andabroad. At the beginning of this new millennium,Pratel is present in several countries in the world, fromArgentina to South Africa, and exports its products inall the countries of the European Union and inEastern Europe. Distributes own branded productsand develops and packs on behalf of customerseuropeanwide known.
  • Transactions
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Business type
Country / Region
verona, Italy
Main ProductsTotal employees
5 - 10 People
Total Annual Revenue
Below US$1 Million
Year established
Product Certifications
Main Markets


Factory Information

Factory Size
Below 1,000 square meters
Factory Country/Region
castelnuovo del garda
No. of Production Lines
Contract Manufacturing
OEM Service Offered, Design Service Offered, Buyer Label Offered
Annual Output Value
Below US$1 Million


Research & Development

Less than 5 People